6 Ways to Produce Engaging Content for Your Business

In a 2021 survey, nearly 96% respondents revealed that content was indeed an integral part of their overall digital marketing strategies. Given that, on average, 7 out of every 10 potential buyers go through blogs at different stages of their purchase journeys, the importance of investing time & effort on content marketing for businesses is paramount. In addition, research has also shown that the social media presence of brands has a definite influence in the decision-making of ~74% buyers. Content marketing is an important component in the bouquet of digital marketing services for branding and business communications. Here are some easy and interesting ways to generate engaging content for your brand:
Tell Relatable Stories; Do Not Over-Promote

Focus on Authentic Engaging and Relatable Stories/Content
We are no longer in the 90s, and people have, understandably, moved away from websites or social media content that seem to be excessively promotional and/or boastful. In order to make content more engaging, brands need to focus on telling authentic, engaging stories on how the underlying products solve a particular need/problem in the best possible manner. Sharing stories about brand journeys is also a good option – since there are scopes to emotionally connect with people through such ‘personal’ content.
On the social media front in particular, having a well-researched blend of promotional content and brand stories/brand content is important. When the audience finds a business is sharing personalised stories, user reviews and experiences, project updates & more (instead of just promoting its products/services), the trust-factor gets a definite boost. Remember, ‘marketing’ and ‘selling’ are not the same. Do not be too concerned with selling, without building a brand persona first. After all, no one wishes to work with a faceless business. Personal touch matters.
Pay Attention To Intent Marketing

Internet marketing is all about RIGHT (#R3MAT) strategy
As digital branding & communication experts from any top SEO agency would confirm, user-engagement levels are directly proportional with the quality & clarity of the content. Instead of diving straight into creating content and trying to start up ‘brand conversations’, invest time on understanding and identifying your target audience. Doing so will make the actual content creation task that much easier. This is where the importance of the #R3MAT principle – sending the RIGHT message at the RIGHT time to the RIGHT people also comes into focus.
To ensure high user-engagement levels, you also need to have a very clear idea about what the ‘purpose’ of any piece of content is. Right from generating brand awareness and recall, to building a brand image (e.g., a knowledgeable brand or a socially responsible brand, etc.), or simply boosting up conversion rates – different types of content have varying purposes. Before creating any content piece, understand WHY it is required, and then proceed accordingly.
Use Infographics and Hashtags; Don’t Forget The Humour Factor

Use Visual Content as Infographics, Meme, Pictorial Representation
A recent report revealed that, ‘visual content’ can have nearly 70% higher recall rates than plain text-based content. This, in turn, highlights the need for including videos, graphs, charts and other infographics – in both web content as well as on social media (i.e., in the overall content marketing strategy). On the World Wide Web, the attention span of people is low – and infographics help in grabbing eyeballs within a short span of time. Using trending hashtags (like #MondayMotivation) is also recommended on social media.
While it is not a viable option for all businesses, using a note of humour from time to time also drives user-engagement. For this, funny ‘facts and myths’ posts, or memes, or topical day posts can be shared strategically. Of course, such humour content should be relevant – and should definitely not be overdone. In the busy present-day world, your audience will appreciate the occasional (and intelligent) fun content, and be more motivated to engage.
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Repurpose The Best-Performing Content; Utilise Testimonials & Reviews
If a content you had created had got a lot of engagement (can be a blog post, or a social media creative), not using it in future would be a bit of a waste. That’s precisely why agencies that offer digital marketing services recommend repurposing such ‘successful’ content – to gain the maximum possible traction from it online. For instance, a blog post can be recrafted and shared as an infographic or a video. The main points of a LinkedIn/Facebook graphic can be elaborated to prepare an informative, in-depth article. The bottomline is simple – extend the ‘life of your content’ as much as possible.

Make use of Reviews and best performing content
The importance of authentic user-reviews and testimonials is paramount, in the domain of online marketing. Such reviews influence the buying decisions of nearly 68% of people – while ~79% customers opine that online testimonials are an important trust-building element for them. Hence, content marketing should definitely involve sharing genuine customer reviews & opinions. Positive testimonials are hugely effective word-of-mouth marketing tools – and they can be instrumental in showcasing why a particular brand is preferred by buyers.
Proper Content Formatting Is Important; As Is The Use Of Internal Links & Keywords
From fonts and margins, from headers and title cases, from colour/size to overall content arrangement – the formatting of content needs to be carefully done. Most people tend to scan through content (in particular, website content) – and you need to make sure that your messages/branding communication are easy to go through and understand. Make sure that the background colour scheme is not hampering readability in any way. Any good SEO agency would reiterate the same rule of thumb – when content is not (easily) readable, it simply cannot be engaging.
While keywords certainly help in search engine optimisation, they play an important role in pulling up engagement levels too. People invariably prefer interacting with content where keywords have been judiciously used – and there is consistency between the KWs used in the title/headers and the content body. In addition, it is also a good idea to use internal links in web content/blog content – since that can take up the relevance and value of that content manifold.
Unique, Actionable, Accurate Content Performs The Best

Users love Unique, Actionable and Engaging content
For 4 out of every 10 content marketers, maintaining proper variety in content is a major challenge. Consistently producing unique and engaging content is also a problem for 47% digital marketers. While there is no dearth of content on practically every topic on the internet, it is certainly possible to add a personal spin to existing, relevant and interesting subjects. At the end of the day, content creation is not about reinventing the wheel – but ensuring that your communication stands out.
Now, let us consider a scenario: you have created an informative piece of content, people are finding it useful – but there is no clear instruction on what the reader should do next. As a result, the engagement remains limited – and in most cases, the final purpose of that content is defeated. Avoid this mistake, and focus on coming up with ‘actionable content’. For instance, having a clear call-to-action (CTA) at the end of a blog post is an absolute must. Double-check to ensure that the content you share is accurate and updated. Good content builds trust.
The value of original, relevant and accurate content as a lead generation tool can hardly be overemphasised. Broadly speaking, content marketing optimisation can result in up to 3X more leads being generated. Right from increasing web traffic volumes and building brand awareness levels, to boosting user-engagement and driving sales (and revenues) – focused content, shared strategically, leads to a myriad of benefits. Content marketing is also an important part of on-page/off-page search engine optimisation – and as such, this service is offered by any good SEO agency. It’s all about regularly coming up with unique and high-value content that people will find interesting – to ensure that a brand’s ‘voice’ stands out amidst all the noise.
Good content can help you attract and retain leads and take your business forward. Become a content marketing leader – lagging behind is not an option!

An undying love for movies and a tendency to start reading novels anytime are things that Sayudh, the Senior Content Writer at Brandwizz Communications, is all about. He has a way with words, a penchant for daydreaming, and a wanderlust with a particular weakness for raindrops.